The eQ SLS2

What Is It?
The eQ SLS2is an ergonomically designed computer workstation utilizing a 3 dimensionally adjustable desktop with a unique upper limb support system. eQ SLS2 allows the user to take advantage of the eQuilibrium® surface for continuous dynamic postural variability and high productivity levels throughout the day.

What It Does:
All eQ products allows the user to take advantage of the eQuilibrium® surface for continuous dynamic postural variability and high productivity levels throughout the day.


Dr James Levine of the Mayo Clinic refers to it as Non Exertional Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT). The eQ configured along with this vertical workstation increases Energy Expenditure without increasing effort required; an energy positive experience. Standing on eQ promotes increased muscle activity that is comforting, physically gratifying and regenerative.  

As the individual spends time on eQ their musculoskeletal system is continuously engaged differently than standing on a flat surface in a way that increases stability around the ankles, knees, pelvis and hips. Over time, a few days to a few weeks, overall stability improves and movement and balance on eQ becomes intuitive

Specific Benefits:

  • eQ Ergonomic Platform provides relief from back pain
  • eQ reduces fatigue during work hours.
  • eQ use increases productivity
  • The eQ SLS employes Non Exertional Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) as coined by Dr James Levine of the Mayo Clinic

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Who Should Use the eQ SLS2

Office workers, home office use, designers. Anyone who is in front of a computer for extended periods of time