Products uniquely designed & clinically tested to relieve back pain while standing!

The eQ SLS1

What Is It?
The eQ SLS extends the eQ energy platform into a stand-lean-sit device. The eQ SLS features a height adjustable, fully rotational gluteal rest and seat.

What It Does:
The eQ SLS1 keeps you upright, productive and comfortable at your computer for long periods with ease.


Standing on eQ promotes increased muscle activity that is comforting, physically gratifying and regenerative.  Proven Anti Fatigue technology

As the individual spends time on eQ their musculoskeletal system is continuously engaged differently than standing on a flat surface in a way that increases stability around the ankles, knees, pelvis and hips. Over time, a few days to a few weeks, overall stability improves and movement and balance on eQ becomes intuitive

Specific Benefits:

"I wish to thank you once again for allowing me to use the eQ SLS1 chair/stool/perch. I think it has really helped me. It took some time for me to develop the strength to use it for a full day, but now I use it constantly when I'm in my office… And thankfully I've been pain free "
John B. Veterinary Epidemiologist

.... More testimonials »

eQuilibrium: Three Dimensional Standing. The next Dimension in Standing Anti Fatigue Technology.


This product will be available late 2017 - Early 2018



Who Should Use the eQ SLS1

You should, if you: Experience back pain, sit for long periods, stand for prolonged periods, You want to relax your back.

Typical occupations that can benefit from the eQ SLS:
Computer operators, Shipper Receivers, service counter workers, as a comfort station for those on their feet, Receptionists, telemarketers, draftspersons, Designers, Engineers.  eQ SLS1 can be used as a comfort station for department store customers. Basically everyone will see a benefit.